The sum of sketches and drawings left to us by Georgette Dupouy is a fountain of references on the distance and course covered by this Artist, by attaching one to the other it would be possible to establish her private diary or road map as a “ globe-trotter ”.
In this manner we can see that the painter was on September 17th 1965 in Florence and a few days later in Rome; that on 27th September 1957 she sketched the “Place de Stalingrad” in Paris, and on July 6th she visited her friend Geneviève Sazérac de Forge in her castle “Château de Mouthiers” in the French county of Charente.
Year after year we are informed of her journeys to Belgium, England, Holland, Italy, Algeria.
Her sketches are also the testimony of her self-imposed discipline to paint. They often endorse the emotion of the artist in regards to the subject to be painted and the colours that should render illustrious her sensations. The portraits, sketches or drawings are caricature studies; when concerning children they overflow with tenderness.
Her self-portraits are without complacency. In 1955, Georgette Dupouy wrote to one of her young students “ you should keep your strokes bold, your ideas clear and your way of seeing things, is your internal treasure that nothing can or should destroy”.

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